Army Combat Fitness Test: 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift (MDL) (Event 1)

As with all physical test and training events, precise movement control is required to demonstrate adequate strength, skill and safety. Here is a breakdown of the then even as it would be conducted during a test. After completing preparation drill and a deadlift warm-up, Soldiers move to the lane with a hexbar with the Soldier’s total weight for the 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift (MDL) event. #ArmyFit #ACFT


7 thoughts on “Army Combat Fitness Test: 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift (MDL) (Event 1)”

  1. In every video that the Army has put out regarding the deadlift, soldiers that are demonstrating the movement exhibit mild to moderate spinal flexion. At 0:52, the soldier's back, which was straight, immediately flexes when she begins the pull. Simply telling the soldiers to keep their back straight is insufficient coaching. Please see the following video of Mark Rippetoe, author of the best-selling book Starting Strength, as he demonstrates the cues necessary to instruct a trainee how to voluntarily control the lower back.

  2. Soldiers hold still for a voluntary dose of warrior mentality: "When you see a Muslim child, that is a terrorist! Stab them in the heaaaarrttt!!!"

  3. Very concerned about the reserve side of the military. It is a challenge to get soldiers to schools which means a lack of qualified instructors and graders.

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