Numerology Forecast For October 2020: Defining This “5” Month

In numerology, this number is all about testing limitations and examining your relationship with freedom. In other words, this is a time when anything goes and we can all expect the unexpected.

While our universal year 4 has been about our foundations and rigid structure, 5 is the exact opposite. The 5 is always seeking new experiences outside of life’s constraints. This opposing energy could create an uncomfortable and strange balancing act between wanting to build new structures but also wanting to ditch structure all together. 

The world feels as if it’s in shambles, and the future seems more uncertain than ever before. This is part of the 4 energy of breaking down. Now, it’s time to start to consider how we’ll adapt to this new status quo. How are we progressing amid so much uncertainty? Do we feel free? Or do we feel repressed and confined? 

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