Organizational Entrepreneurship

The entrepreneur is identified as one of the factors for economic growth and development of society. He creates wealth, implements all kinds of innovations in its organizations.

Entrepreneurship is a academic subject that studies the entrepreneurs. It examines the activities, characteristics, social and economic effects and methods used to facilitate the entrepreneurial activity.Entrepreneurship is an important element of the economy of any country.

The initiative of individuals to start and develop ideas that contribute to structure, consolidate and grow, creating wealth and generating jobs.

The entrepreneur should be for all aspects the center of attention of the academic institutions of a society. The entrepreneurship represents a modern technique of administration and represents the spirit of professional and personal enterprise fulfillment.

The social entrepreneur is an attitude of nonconformity and criticism in the face of social injustice in their region and the world. Thus have the Social Entrepreneurship combine efforts to combine the practices of marketing and business vision with human development, proposing solutions to social problems.

The mechanization and bureaucratization of work and workers have made behavioral mismatches and inadequacies of the man in front of the work.

Organizations were seen as a closed system and the effectiveness and success depended on the efficiency of internal operations.

There is a clear and huge gap between technological progress and social progress in terms of life quality. The current trend in the organization of work has shown that is redefining the paradigm in the society and in organizations incorporating a holistic approach that converges to a global vision, beyond the socio-political boundaries and having a more humane relationship between the people.

This new approach aims to satisfy the employee, the reorganization of the work environment, the organizational scope of goals and objectives reflected in the increased quality and productivity.

The successful entrepreneurs have a psychological motivation of achievement, beyond the needs of power and relationship. The need for achievement makes the entrepreneur run the best way possible for what is proposed and to achieve its objectives.

The behavior of the entrepreneur, in its ceaseless quest for satisfaction is the key to success for the development of its enterprise.

The individual is an organized and integrated whole. The individual as a whole is motivated, not just part of it, and the satisfaction, affects the whole person.

Five types:

a) Need for approval: involves aspects such as the possibility of achieving a high position in society, be respected by friends and be recognized by their achievements,

b) Need for independence: the enterprise needs the freedom to work and control your time, have autonomy and freedom for initiative.

c) Need for personal development: means a constant search for new knowledge and skills, is easily identifiable in individuals who are always seeking the new in their lives,

d) Need for security: relates to self-preservation, which is to protect them from physical or psychological danger, real or imaginary,

e) Need for self-realization: the entrepreneurs constantly seek to improve their performance and achievements, challenges solving situations that lead to its capacity.

In the same way as for other individuals, entrepreneurs have different personal needs throughout his life and as some of them are satisfied, another appears in its place. Their needs generate the momentum for action and their actions define their behavior, which in turn creates new needs.

There are three basic skills for an efficient performance. They are:

a) Technical Skills: consists of understanding and proficiency in particular type of activity, to use methods, techniques and equipment needed to perform a specific job satisfaction,

b) human skills: ability to work as a member of a group and as a team, with cooperation and flexibility, learn to communicate,

c) conceptual skills: how to understand and respond to the objectives and policies of the organization, using concepts, ideas and abstractions.

Source by Artur Victoria

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