Resignation Scorecard That Encourage Employees to Stay

Companies recognize that human resources are actually their most vital assets. They like to have the best of the crop – those who will contribute substantially to company growth. Thus, searching for the right employees is always very important to them. After the right ones are found and hired, they spend a lot of money training them knowing, fully well that the expense is worth it. But sometimes, the expense proves to be unjustified when employees, new and old, resign from their jobs. For human resource managers, untimely resignations must be troubling since these could raise some questions regarding their competence in selecting the right employees. One way of finding an answer to the problem is by maintaining a resignation scorecard where reasons for leaving can be determined and studied.

There are a few reasons why a new employee resigns. The careful analysis of these reasons can help the company formulate a human resource development program that not only improves employee retention rates but improves performance as well.

According to surveys, the top reasons a newly hired employee decides to resign are employee-job mismatch, job expectation to actual job mismatch, and workplace environment. Either the new employee was misled to believing that he will be performing a job that matches his skills, or he found the job to be less interesting than portrayed by the recruiters. As for workplace environment, all new employees would like to work in a place where relationships and physical settings are comfortable.

Also playing a significant role in determining new employees’ attitude towards the company that hired them is the amount of assistance or feedback they get. Naturally, they are a bit unsure of themselves and solicitous co-employees and a nurturing supervisor will help a lot in making him feel more at ease and confident.

For employees who have spent some time with a company, reasons for leaving usually involve the feeling that they have no real chance of advancement in their present employment and prefer to try for greener pastures, so to speak. This is one problem that requires extra attention from HR managers since a couple or more resignation letters from experienced employees can entail considerable inconveniences in terms of additional expense in recruitment and training of the replacement personnel. And especially if the position being vacated is a sensitive one, more inconveniences can result from temporary disruption of the smooth flow of work.

There are experienced employees who resign because of overwork or too much overtime. Others resign because they feel they are not appreciated. The last reason, according to surveys, why old hands resign is when they no longer have the company’s top leadership.

All the reasons why many employees resign can be addressed by a human resource management program that gives importance to them. Perhaps, recruiters should be made aware of the need for portraying a job to be filled more accurately. Programs that will promote more camaraderie among staff and a more supportive leadership are some of the things that a resignation scorecard should contain to help the company have a favorable employee retention rate.

Source by Sam Miller

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