The True Entrepreneur

Ten key behaviors for entrepreneurial people, grouped into three sets:

– Implementation,

– Planning and

– Power.

The characteristics that the entrepreneur must have or develop or improve are :

1. Joint Implementation. Search of opportunity and initiative. The entrepreneur seizes opportunities obtain financing, equipment and a working place.

Qualities for the implementation:

a) Persistence “Success in business depends on 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration” is the motto for the work of entrepreneurs;

b) Commitment. Just as persistence is the energy, the commitment and sacrifice is personal effort to ensure that objectives are achieved;

c) Quality and efficiency. Constantly, the entrepreneur seeks the ways to perform tasks with greater speed, lower cost and higher quality, experiencing better solutions to problems;

d) Calculated risk. The entrepreneur considers the alternatives and calculates and manages the risks carefully. Know deeply the atmosphere of the business and therefore can anticipate problems and successes.

2. Joint Planning.

Qualities for the planning:

a) Setting goals objectives. People usually have some dreams and goals in the short term, most often vaguely defined. The trend of the enterprise is to define the objectives of establishing the long term and short-term to enable it to meet the conditions necessary for achieving its larger projects.

b) Search for information. With clear objectives and defined the trend of the entrepreneur to perform a thorough search of the necessary information to support and enable the development of rational strategies, with good chances of success.

c) Systematic planning and monitoring. When actively seeking information and updating sources of feedback to enable it to critically evaluate the consequences of his actions, the enterprise has the necessary elements for the formulation of strategies that enable it to achieve the desired results.

2. Joint activities.

Qualities the act:

a) Collection of Power. Persuasion and networks of contacts. Power is the ability to achieve that do things as and when they want, to shape changes in the world and to achieve cooperation and action. The entrepreneurs are optimistic and creative, and thus gain the confidence and support of people with who maintain trade relations.

b) Independence. In addition to independent, successful entrepreneurs of the self are people who take risks and assume personal responsibility for success or failure.

Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs:

They are visionaries: the success of entrepreneurs have a vision of how is the future of business.

Knows decisions: They do not feel unsafe. They take the right decision at the right time and implement it quickly.

Add value to their products and services: They create value for society benefit, improving people’s lives.

Are optimistic and love what they do: They love the work they do. The optimism can see the success, instead of imagining the failure.

They have self ability to control or redirect impulses and states of mind disturbing.

Propensity not to judge and think before acting.

Ability to laugh at themselves.

Sensitivity to others.

They are creative and innovative: Identify new and productive ways to perform tasks. Have a holistic view (global perception of the situation and / or problem).

Present ethical values: They thrive working long hours conducting their business within the highest ethical standards and moral.

Believe in working as participation and social contribution.

Corporate Entrepreneurship: They accept challenges offered by the opening of global markets and the increasing speed of change and technological innovations

Corporate entrepreneurship as is the process by which an individual or group of individuals, associated with an existing organization, create a new organization or instigate renewal or innovation within that organization.

There are at least three fundamental characteristics that reveal the entrepreneurial vocation:

a) Will and ability to create something absolutely unique and can improve living conditions of families, businesses, local community or the human race,

b) Ability to find new uses for old ideas. The purpose of recycling such action should result in public benefit,

c) Talent to improve the efficiency of a system, process or product, making it more economical, affordable and technically superior.

Five key roles for business innovation:

a) Ideas of persons must be taken to organize an environment that stimulates creativity and the generation of ideas,

b) Entrepreneurship: are the people who turn ideas into reality,

c) Team entrepreneurship : is a group of people, usually recruited by entrepreneurships to work on innovation,

d) Organizational Climate: there must be an organizational climate that encourages innovation and accepted,

e) Sponsors: are the very people who support the organization entrepreneurship – can be an immediate boss or the chairman of the company,

The dilemma between the need for innovations and irrational resistance to them is a challenge that is presented to organizations that want to modernize. But the main challenge is to create an environment conducive to the emergence of entrepreneurship.

Results of innovation:

(1) Creates social changes;

2) Creativity in solving problems,

(3) Social impact;

(4) Quality ethics.

Source by Artur Victoria

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