This one thing is holding you back from your financial freedom (and most likely any of the goals you have yet to accomplish). This video dives into the single …


15 thoughts on “THIS IS HOLDING YOU BACK FROM FINANCIAL FREEDOM (Mindset & Motivation)”

  1. Hi Matthew,

    Iā€™m an avid supporter of your channel. Im wondering if you can help me on a topic that Iā€™m really struggling with. Iā€™m in the process of scaling my single family portfolio. My goal is 50 and I have 10 already done. I have the restriction from Freddy/Fannie of only 10 mortgages. However, I heard that I could do a general warranty deed transfer in Texas out of my personal name into my LLC. This would then decrease the ownership of properties and I can continue.

    Another option is commercial loans with 25yr terms and slightly higher rates.

    Any thoughts on this topic as I know it must be an issue. That would be an awesome video(s)

    Happy Labor Day

  2. Debra Mclane
    Life is full of fears!! Finances should not be one of them. Since listening to your channel and taking more control over my money, I have less fear of making decisions about how I manage my money!!
    I am thinking of different ways to handle my finances, ways I would have never thought I could do with my money. This is really a big step for me, as I have never been told anything like these techniques in my life, so I am changing how I think and moving forward with my decisions, I would say that is pretty fearless for my usual conservative thinking!!!
    Thanks again for your support.

  3. I'm currently being held back by fear šŸ™ šŸ™ I work an office job with a fixed salary.I feel underpaid and under-stimulated. I want to get into a sales job as I think I can earn a lot more. But I'm afraid of failing. My family doesn't understand. They think I'm crazy for wanting to walk away from a consistent, "safe", job. Ugh I'm torn…

  4. What a great video Matthew! We know that fear exist but our response to it is what makes our outcome. It seems to me being emotionally intelligent is the only way to deal with it. Also, on a different note, we totally should play a cello duet together next time I am visiting Denver! šŸ˜‰ Thank you for the video.

  5. Fear is definitely a true emotion, that if left untamed…… Can spell failure, and self denial. I have learned that fear, like every other emotion we have as humans, is a tool that can, and will help you in your decision making. If you control the fear, when it comes, then you can make the wisest and most knowledgeable choice available. If you allow fear to control you, then your outcome could prove very devastating due to the fact that it has taken you to a place you can't cope.

    A recent song by Zach Williams called "Fear is a Liar" has become one of my most favorite songs of all time because he explains how we were not created to fear, but to trust and have faith. With everything that's going on in the world today, you just can't get ahead without conquering your fears and taking life by the horns and guiding your life in the direction that will allow you to prosper. As Mathew alluded to, you will have tough and un nerving decisions to make, so use wisdom and knowledge to gain the upper hand, and give fear a swift kick in the hind quarters and control your life.

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