4 Infuriating Fitness Myths

The fitness industry is full of bull crap Myths lies and half truths that scam artists use to weasel you out of your money. Here are four of the most common and egregious.


21 thoughts on “4 Infuriating Fitness Myths”

  1. who the fuck takes fitness advice from Jillian Michaels, she should be the top contestant on biggest asshole

  2. Billy Bob Sings

    Great Video. Glad I subscribed. You hit so many nails on the head, you must be a framer….

  3. I love Jeff Cavalier, but he does have a tendency to contradict himself. He will come out with a video to saying some workout is the best and a month later say that exact workout is bad and "killing your gains". He likes to be a bit too sensational. He has also pushed his products on many occasions. I still recommend his channel, but as always, with a grain of salt.

  4. Bertrand Rongé

    I'm not completely convinced that is not possible to spot reduce fat. We all agree that loosing fat, is a process that occurs in every part of your body. That is common knowledga and science… but we all know that what is proven true by science today might be disprove or proven to be incomplete truth later. So when I say spot reduce fat, i don't talk about loosing all your fat in one place but more like loosing fat everywhere but slightly (like 2%) more on one area.

    A few reasons why i'm not totally convinced :
    When we loose fat, we have all noticed that we seems to not loose fat at the same rate everywhere, there is always a part that is lagging behind. People will say fat distribution is genetic but might be also due to nutrition
    When I gain fat, i notice that when I eat a lot of sugary food, i tend to gain more fat around the belly, when I eat more fatty food i tend to gain fat around the legs and arms (easy to see for me since i got muscle separation and even some striations on the outher quads or the triceps, so gaining fat there is quickly visible)
    Before competing in powerlifting, i was competing as amateur in cycling and when i do cardio is always cycling. And a strange coincidence is that the most shredded part of my body and the part of my body that respond the fastest to loosing fat are my quads. In the previous point i said i have striation on my triceps when i'm the most shredded, funny enough I only ever saw striation on my right triceps and i'm right handed (so the arm the most active and the strongest).

    So maybe it would be possible to increase slightly the fat loss on a specific area. Just that the way to do it might not have been found yet….

  5. Augustus Betucius

    Detox cleanse? Eliminate the garbage from your diet and drink large volumes of water. Let your body do the rest.

  6. 'obese' and 'over weight' according to whose rules?! For me to be a 'healthy weight' according to my doctor, i'd have to be less than 250lbs… at 6'7"! Already this video seems suspicious and i'm only 0:50 seconds in!

  7. lol

    “Siracha enema detox.” <<<<<<<killing me softly.

    There are certain things you can do to remove toxins. But enema ain’t it. Colonhydro therapy ain’t it. Green juices ain’t it.

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