Should my instagram be where I post my “Fitnessed” related content? Let me know! ❤️



  1. I say do what you want. Would it be my cup of tea…. Hmmm maybe. I am trying to get in better shape but who knows but if you want to do then go for it dude. Live your life

  2. Mike Darlin!!! do what makes u happy, u love fitness so yeah reviewing others routines to see if they work for you, clothing to workout in, anything u mentioned, i will watch you, as long as u continue to be real, crazy as fuck, and make us laugh, i will watch u and subscribe even if u just say a random word over and over for a lengthy period of time. OH WAIT..

  3. "I just enjoy working out".
    Give me whatever you're taking, because if it wasn't for my conscience telling me that working out is good for your health…

    Anyways, it sounds like a nice idea.

  4. Go for it. To be honest, fitness videos can be boring for some people (like me. LOL!) 'cause all these fitness youtubers are too serious about it. I'd love to see fun fitness-related content for once so please do it.

  5. Hi Mike. It doesn't sound like a bad idea, showing that being serious with anything is not incompatible with having fun sounds interesting. Besides if you're passionate about the topic go for it. That tends to insure good results.
    Now if I can make a wish what I want you to parody is this 😀
    When I heard about this I immediately thought about you because I laughed harder at the news than at many of your videos (sorry, your're funny, but reality sometimes is more ridiculous than fiction). So mock challenge some one if you think it's a good parody and bring on the trash talk, but do invest in "Fitness for normal people" if it's what you love.

  6. That would be cool. I would like to participate and follow this journey in fitness. BUT dont replace all your social media and change it to fitness.

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