Wildland Firefighter Fitness Test

WFX-FIT Physical Fitness Test Video

Saskatchewan Wildfire Management – Employment and Training:

http://www.environment.gov.sk.ca/Default.aspx?DN=a966bded-f226-44bf-acbd-75316257fd03 (May 2016)

(Video taken from above link to share the information, if for any reason this video should be removed, please contact the poster)


16 thoughts on “Wildland Firefighter Fitness Test”

  1. Quite possibly the worst test ever designed for any job. If anyone has done this job, (and I have, for nine years ) knows that anyone in this job on a day to day basis does not walk up a 45 degree angle for any reason. This test alone has made it impossible for the older generation to pass. This in turn means that there is NO experience in woodland fighting, so there are a bunch of kids running around the bush with little to no guidance. Whom ever made this test an annual thing should give their head a shake, or maybe do the job and see what really happens out there…#ridiculous

  2. I'm a wildland firefighter out in South Africa and considering the conditions we work in out here feel the pack test is no reflection or test of what we actually do or the type of fitness we require. While the pack test has been adopted by local government (because there is little alternative and there needs to be an agreed and regulated form of fitness testing) we think the WfXFit is actually closer to the conditions we experience in the mountains. We do chase Fireline up steep mountain slopes as we do a lot of direct attack with beating and cutting tools. However we believe the WFXFit is still not an ideal test for this country and there should be studies done into a more specific test for wildland fitness out here. Because of the negative effect that heat and smoke (and the combination of the two) have on our ability to take in oxygen, and because of the effect age has on this as well, it is vital to have fitness tests and to manage the physical strain on our bodies while on the firelines. I hear you on the loss of experience but it is very important to maintain a high level of fitness for firefighting as one gets older.

  3. been in the fire world since 88 in Canada never seen no ramps in the forest stupid test, the old pump carry hose drag, 3 mile walk in 45 min or less with 45 lbs more realistic, sooner or later someone will trip on the ramp break a neck or worse

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