119 Fallon attacks Norm Macdonald, and the return of Leftist Fitness instructor

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29 thoughts on “119 Fallon attacks Norm Macdonald, and the return of Leftist Fitness instructor”

  1. I called it! Norm did a passive aggressive apology. He said you "have to have down syndrome to not be all about the me too movement" hahahahahahahahashahaha takes breath hahahahahahahahaha all hail king norm.
    Be sure to like and share this live stream as well as the new "leftist fitness instructor" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1MbjduZR_k&feature=youtu.be
    hugepianist.com for hour specials and tickets to live shows.
    much love everyone, and thanks for the continued support. This community is awesome and I really look forward to doing these with you everyday.

  2. Owen you’re a rock star, stay true to your principles as WE are right. These SJWs are ruining children, they assholes can do what they want. KEEP KIDS OUT OF YOUR SICKNESS

  3. 3:16 Bro, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm syrian and an athiest…grew up in a muslim family. We used to be a VERY secular society in Syria…Literally it used to be one of the most secular societies in the middle east. I know you find that hard to believe but that whole ISIS shit was very hard for us to believe and we have no idea how and where it came from.
    Syria has been a quasi-communist country since the 70s, it's a VERY secular society (there are some religious elements for sure, just like any society) . BUT NO GENITAL MUTILATION, we've never even heard of anyone doing genital mutilation, it's definitely NOT acceptable in our social norms.
    You tend to throw accusations that are un-researched and based on your perception. you're equating a society like Syria with a society like Afghanistan or Somalia. they're extremely different.
    I don't like Islam either (neither do I like christianity, but it's less of a problem for syrians and humanity in general). but please don't throw away ignorant claims like "Syrians genitally mutilate their wives" that is FUCKED UP.

    Owen, I've seen a couple of your videos. You're a displaced lefty (used to be a lefty but find the left today fucked up, so you don't know what the fuck you are now).
    and like all displaced lefties who got fucked by SJWs, you start turning more and more into an ethno-nationalist and become more and more extreme. "the West is the best" "We're better than them" "christian values are the TRUE values, because look at the west" etc… All of these are collectivist ideas that are just as bad as SJW collectivist ideas. You and your fans should NOT go down this road because you WILL end up in a dark place, rethink your philosophy and turn instead to the individual as the right unit of analysis. Instead of condemning people based on their nationality and ethnicity, how about you look at each person individually? Like, I certainly don't believe in genital mutilation…"But you're syrian, ergo you're a fucked up religious nut who genitally mutilates his wife"

    My point is, you're not a real conservative, you're a displaced lefty, who's going into identity politics but on the right because the left is becoming more fucked up.

  4. Ive never subscribed to this channel but it keeps popping up in my feed. Ive been watching the vids and im starting to hate them less and less. I still think its really gay that the followers are called bears. I just cant reconcile that. I do agree with pretty much everything this guy says though. Maybe except for some of that Rogan trashing.. YouTube is pushing the channel though, for some reason.

  5. Lol The new MacBook is annoying with that single usb-c port for sure. I always recommend people to get a usb hub for them. Usb-c is going to be more universal on all phones except apple which makes no sense.

    You can get headphones that have a lightning cord or just get an adapter for that as well so you can use the bigger variety of the normal headphones.

  6. big bear, a lot of left leaning/unemployed/trump hating.liberals will with her honestly or dishonestly hear racism from how you speak up ultra honesty of the cuff and just telling you this because your important and a good person that the each needs to hear and I personally look up to you and absorb a lot of your morals and values and teachings to little bears so speak your truth and don't de-platformed or I'll have to watch Crowder even more

  7. Maybe people digged deep in order find something to kick you off for after you talked about unity? I'm pretty well convinced that's what throws off the algorithm. They want to keep us separated and fighting so that it's easier to control us.

  8. Honestly hate Apple, but now that windows is moving toward subscription models and Google is doing their damdest to become Big Brother, I'm ready to go balls to the wall Linux.

  9. Thank you Owen for just being you and honesty will always keep people happy. We NEED more honesty even if brutal because it keeps you in check from yourself.

  10. Norm has always walked to his own drum & that’s why he’s beloved & in a league of his very own regardless of what fashionable ideologies are in at the time!
    All the best from Tottenham, London,Uk!

  11. Don't let this distract you from the fact that (((They))) are actively working to make white people minority in their own countries, and they're succeeding.

  12. "we are not defined by hating leftists"

    we shouldn't be, but we are. leftists are powerful.

    They have most people playing identity politics when most people agree it's not important to them.

    "Black conservative owns white liberal on policy X" – Well Known Conservative Blogs

    What happened? I thought we didn't buy into identity politics?

  13. Thanks for the heads up with the product review. That's pretty lame that iPhone did that. That just makes things more complicated for the consumer. Hate that crap.

  14. And…. This is why i never buy apple. Glad they are around as i think options are a great thing, however im still puzzled why people pay such a premium price for a product that strips itself for common ports in place of overly priced dongles. I value my money.

  15. Multiculturalism is NOT beneficial to humanity. Like Mohammad Ali said, do blue birds mate with red birds?, no, do red birds mate with blue birds, no. WHY would I want to mate with a white girl??? So, is Ali racist????

  16. At one point i did agree with the "you can't legislate morality" idea. But i have to concede that laws, if they are good laws, must be based on good morality, good ethics. Otherwise, what are we basing our laws on? Immorality? Am-morality?

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