Leftist Fitness Instructor Volume 2 – Owen Benjamin

Exercise and fitness are important! but in this current world of leftism with an emphasis on no personal accountability, I invented the perfect workout plan for you!
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Directed by legendary Aaron Hartling
Follow him on Instagram @artling_hartling
If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought me to stand up comedy. I’ve had two Comedy Central specials. I’m tall but suck at basketball, I’m smart but can’t spell, I’m nice but kind of a dick.

I’ve been in some movies: House Bunny, Staten Island Summer w/ SNL cast, Bucky Larson w/ Nick Swardson, Jack and Jill w/ Adam Sandler.

Also some TV shows: Sullivan and Son – produced by Vince Vaughn, Leno, Fallon, and Bar Rescue.

You may have seen/heard me in podcasts: Joe Rogan, Adam Corolla, Steven Crowder, and the Impractical Jokers podcast.

http://Hugepianist.com for tour dates

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OwenBenjamin
Instagram: https://instagram.com/owenbenjam
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/owenbenjamincomedy/


25 thoughts on “Leftist Fitness Instructor Volume 2 – Owen Benjamin”

  1. please share on your social media, I got kicked off all of them for not being a coward so I can't. We all objectively know this is hilarious and people will enjoy it. So share!
    hugepianist.com for tickets to live shows or my last three hour specials

  2. i reckon you should do a series just on the actual fitness moves. Like 90 second to 2 min videos on each exercise in depth.
    Mental Gymnastics
    Flagbearing shoulder workout

  3. No food in socialism unless you are Maduro eating rare beef prepared by the Salt Bae chef. Just wondering, does socialism only benefit those on top? What do I know, I am just a working serf

  4. Wow it's planet fitness times 1000 lol just need to offer pizza and donuts on Mondays and u will be right on . Good ole "judgement free zone" smh as a personal fitness trainer , coach ,yoga instructor, & teacher it's VERY VERY ANNOYING that these ideals that you are talking about in this video are A REAL THING ,THEY ARE ACTUALLY HAPPENING! Planet (lack of)Fitness / Planet Fatness & their marketing campaigns, tv commercials ,etc are prime example of this cancer spreading throughout the fitness and self development world. It's quite sad really and it affects the industry as a whole especially small business owners and entrepreneurs like myself and countless others . It sends a terrible message about health to the world at large. I could rant about this all day but I'll shut up now lol. Love this video , it's hilarious, but it just sucks that it's soooooo close to becoming 100% reality . Screw the judgement free zone and blaming others for personal choices . Ok rant over lol #fitnessmatters,

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